Webinar On-Demand: Zuar Portal 1.8: Role-Based Access Control

Learn how role-based access control can transform your data management and analytics in our latest webinar on-demand.

Webinar On-Demand: Zuar Portal 1.8: Role-Based Access Control

Are you ready to revolutionize the way you manage and access your data? Watch this on-demand webinar and discover how Zuar Portal 1.8's role-based access control can transform your data analytics strategy!

What’s New in Zuar Portal 1.8?

  • Bespoke Customer Experiences: Tailor the portal experience for each customer, maintaining scalability.
  • Group-Based Customization: Different themes, default pages, and blocks based on user groups.
  • Enhanced Security: Implement data source queries with row-level security.

Zuar Portal 1.8 is more than just an update; it's a step towards a more personalized, secure, and efficient way of handling data analytics. Whether you're a current user or considering Zuar Portal for your business, this upgrade is worth exploring. Sign up below to watch the recording!

What Is Role-Based Access Control & Why Your Portal Needs It
Learn how role-based access control can transform the way you distribute analytics to your customers through branded data portals.