Getting Started with Zuar Runner

The video tutorials below are for those looking to get started using Runner or learn more about the available features.
- Runner UI Tour
- Creating IO (Input/Output) Jobs
- Creating SQL Jobs
- Using API and Webhooks to Fire Off Jobs
- Creating Sequences
- Creating Schedules
- Adding Tags
- Creating Notifications
- Rclone Use Cases
- Advanced Use Cases
Additional information about Zuar Runner can be found in the Runner Help Docs.
If you have a question that is not addressed through the tutorials or docs, ask it in our Community Forum!
Creating I/O Jobs
Anatomy of a Runner IO job | Zuar
What is an IO job? This blog post is part 1 of a multi part blog series on understanding and customizing Runner IO jobs.
Creating SQL Jobs
Using API and Webhooks to Fire Off Jobs
Creating Sequences
Creating Schedules
Adding Tags
Creating Notifications
RCLONE Use Cases
Runner and Rclone Custom Jobs | Zuar
What’s Rclone and the Zuar Runner Rclone plug-in? We can explain how to use these programs for your data transfer needs.

Using Rclone for Sharepoint Shared Files | Zuar
Rclone [] is a very powerful, storage-agnostic tool fortransferring files across the web. You can copy files to and from ~30 differentstorage providers including S3, FTP, Onedrive, and yes, you can copy files fromSharepoint sites using webdav. However, to automate the downloadi…

Advanced Use Cases
Zuar Runner Documentation — Zuar Runner

Automate Bash, R, and Python scripts with Runner | Zuar
In this blog post, we will cover the Runner command line job and then walk through examples of automating scripts from various languages.