Tailored Client Portal Solutions for Consultancy Firms

We help consultancies and agencies revolutionize their approach to data management. With Zuar's solutions and services, firms can seamlessly navigate the complexities of data and analytics.

Zuar Industrial Analytics Dashboard
Centralize Data

Centralize data from hundreds of potential sources to
a single destination.

Personalized Portals

Provide a bespoke experience with hyper-personalized
portals and embed-everywhere capabilities.

Zuar Portal Logo

Present What's Needed to Whom Needs it,
Wherever It's Needed

Whether you want to monetize data and analytics, or provide clients and other audiences access to a branded portal customized to fit each of their needs, Zuar Portal has you covered. Unlock insights to deliver real value through custom client portals.

Need to provide clients with secure access to a central location that aggregates information, media and more from a wide variety of sources?
No problem.

Have hundreds of clients and want them each to log into a portal branded especially for them? From logos to colors and more?
No problem.

Need unique roles/groups logging into each client portal, with each being presented with only what's relevant to them?
No problem.

Zuar is more than a tool; it's a strategic partner for consultancies looking to stay ahead in a data-driven world. Elevate your consultancy's capabilities, transform the way you work with data, and exceed client expectations with Zuar Portal.

Take Zuar Portal for a Spin!

Check out our free demo to explore Zuar Portal through analytics dashboards, a company knowledge base, and more
- OR -
Start your two-week free trial to test Zuar Portal in your environment!

One Tool to Wrangle Endless Data Sources

Industrial Analytics Pipeline

Providing client insights starts with raw data. Depending on what systems contain the data, getting it where it needs to go can be quite difficult. Zuar Runner simplifies things, automating the process so that you have an efficient data pipeline in place.

Zuar may be the most flexible data pipeline solution in existence. You choose where it is hosted, where it centralizes the data, and any visualization platform.
Zuar Runner grows with your consultancy, ensuring that you won't need to source an alternative solution with a costly implementation down the road.
Client Satisfaction
Connections to client data are easy to set up, and require almost no maintenance down the road, helping maintain great relationships.
Data Governance
Consultancies can trust that sensitive information is secure, and numerous authentication technologies are available.
success story icon

Watch how Positive Insights utilized Zuar Runner and Zuar Portal to automate data collection, and offer an amazing customer portal.

View the Case Study

Expert Guidance for Your Data Projects

Our experienced team understands the unique needs of consultancies and agencies. We can halp you harness the full potential of your and your clients' data. From initial consultation to the full implementation, Zuar is a full-service partner that can reduce the time and cost of your next data project.

Get all of your questions answered, start a free trial, perhaps make a new friend.

Talk with a data specialist